Thursday, May 28, 2020

Going Advancedâ€Podcast Episode 187

   Are you working with high school students? If so, Podcast Episode 187 is a must-listen episode! During the podcast, Andrew and Julie discuss advanced essay models, describing what some of these models look like and how to approach writing them. Together they examine what characteristics separate argumentative essays from persuasive essays. Andrew takes time to clearly describe their differences not only in intent but also in how they are structured. He also shares some potential topics for essays that are relevant to teenagers that you may wish to assign to your own students. If your students have ever struggled with planning an essay to match an instructor’s length requirement, Andrew also describes an easy way to tackle it that only involves a small amount of math. And if your student needs to write a massive, multi-page essay, Andrew describes how to organize it. There’s a lot of wealth to be gained by listening to this episode. We are confident it will help you feel much more empowered to help your students with their end-of-year essay assignments.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Customer Service And Claim Cycle Time - 930 Words

My company has several departments that contribute to the processes of the company and the needs of the customers. My department is only one department in the process and for the needs of the paper I am going to focus on processes of my department and how it helps the company function within the goals they have set. Rummler and Brache 9-Box Model Organization Goals – Strategy, Operating Plans, and Metrics I have been with my company Farmers Insurance for 15 years. During my employment I have gained experience from several different departments and positions. Our organization is ranked within the top ten insurance companies. Our yearly metric scores, called NPS are based on customer surveys and written policies. They show that we have a good solid foundation in the industry amongst our customer base and competitors. These scores have significantly improved over the last couple years from being in the low 40’s to the high 80’s. This is a reflection of our focus to customer service and claim cycle time. Unfortunately, our town hall meetings and employee discussions consistently reveal the company is always behind or falls short in the area of strategy and operating plans. There have been several changes administered within the company specifically focusing on customer experience and claim life cycle time. Th ese changes also directly affect the employee’s job performance and load. At times it seems changes are not considered or do not come to fruition until another companyShow MoreRelatedLaws Of Speed And Lean Six Sigma1209 Words   |  5 PagesThe Power Laws of Speed In the book, Competing Against Time (Free Press 1990), the authors present compelling evidence for the power laws of speed. The 5% Rule: The actual time required to produce or deliver a service is only 5% of the total elapsed time. The 25-20 Rule: Every 25% reduction in elapsed time will double productivity and reduce costs 20%. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Vulnerable Populations Essay - 2574 Words

Stanhope and Lancaster (2008) define vulnerable populations as â€Å"those defined at a greater risk for poor health status and health care access†(p.712). The role of a public health nurse in contrast to a vulnerable population is to establish interventions to help break the cycle of vulnerability thus aiding to eliminate health disparities within the population. The term â€Å"risk† helps public health nurses establish a person probability of something happening to them. This epidemiological term is used with the triangle of host, agent and environment in contrast to ones health within a population. The author will discuss vulnerability as discovered within a community based on surveying the community and establishing risk and interventions on the†¦show more content†¦These vulnerable populations according to Shi and Stevens (2005) experience disparities in access to care and have poorer health status than the population as a whole. Along with risks that these vulnerable populations are linked to, there are non-modifiable risk factors as well, called risk markers. These risk markers are characteristics that help I screening variables that mat be associated with poor health but not directly cause morbidity or mortality. An example of this can be race or sex. Healthy People 2010 has stated one if their goals includes the elimination of health disparities in the nation. They aim to overcome this by implementing state health initiatives that guide systematic approaches to help eliminate health disparities that disadvantaged and underserved populations face. Public health nurses, who work with vulnerable populations, can help with this mission by providing outreach, and assessing communities risk factors and exposures. For example, holding health fairs to increase the communities’ awareness of certain health issues with resources available to the population. Public health nurses can utilize outreach to help make health care more assessable to the communities they serve by implementing health education and counseling in areas the population congregate, for example: schools, community centers, churches and workplaces. Comprehensive services andShow MoreRelatedVulnerable Populations1503 Words   |  7 PagesVulnerable Populations BSHS/320 The United States of America is the place known to many as the land of the free, home of the brave, and the place to start a better life. With any place that has good qualities, some have not so good qualities. 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The focus of this will include the understanding of how the different biases affect the delivery of healthcareRead MoreVulnerable Population; Poor876 Words   |  4 PagesVulnerable Population: The Poor â€Å"A vulnerable population is a group or groups that are more likely to develop health- related problems, have more difficulty accessing health care to address those health problems, and are more likely to experience a poor outcome or shorter life span because of those health conditions.† (Maurer Smith,2009, pp. 533) Poverty is linked with marked deprivation of well-being of an individual due to inability to meet basic needs. It could be due to lack of income orRead MoreThe Identification Of The Vulnerable Population1311 Words   |  6 PagesThe identification of the vulnerable population In today’s society you will look around and see that elderly single woman is not being represented much at all and all you see is that mainstream is getting younger every day. You can’t turn on your television without seeing young programming that doesn’t cater to an older demographic especially older woman. It is growing problem among elderly single woman with depression. In The Guardian it states, â€Å"Some mental health experts argue that women areRead MoreVulnerable Population : The Homeless1212 Words   |  5 PagesVulnerable Population: The Homeless Having the privilege to work in one of the busiest emergency departments in Florida, I get to meet many different types of individuals, many of those being homeless. Homeless persons are high risk individuals requiring ED services due to their poor health status, high rates of morbidity, lack of health insurance, chronic use of alcohol and drug abuse, unintentional injuries and much more (Tang, Stein, Hsia, Maselli Gonzales, 2010). 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Vulnerable population is defined as persons with diminished autonomy, those who are compromised in their ability to give informed consent. Groups often identified as vulnerable include children, homeless individualsRead MoreThe Risks Of A Vulnerable Population1995 Words   |  8 PagesA vulnerable population is one that imparts risks that are basic or a have a mix of risks factors, a group that is pervasive of low financial status or neediness. The ramifications of vulnerability is that in examination with the population in general, some people are a great deal more delicate to risk factors which can antagonistically influence their health. The vulnerable populace is especially touchy to those dangers that start from genetic factors, social, economic, physical, biological, natural

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

System Designs of Schools for Life †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the System Designs of Schools for Life. Answer: Introduction: The stakeholders are considered to be the primary source of getting information for addressing the system requirements. All those people who are totally affected by any changes in the best interest of their associations are termed as stakeholders for that association. The group of the system can be small, medium or large based on the scope and the nature of the system. All these groups of stakeholders are associated to the system in different ways and each of these groups has different perspective and definition of the system according to their interactions (Galliers and Leidner 2014). For example, in case of an accounting system for the public traded corporation, the associated stakeholders are the accountants, bookkeepers, managers, executives, suppliers, customers, investors, auditors, SEC and the IRS. Before assigning to the stakeholder groups, the analyst belonging to the corporation analyses the various people who have close similarity and places them according to their similar fields. Stakeholders are classified into the internal and the external which can be further divided into the executives and the operational stakeholders. The major stakeholders in the School for Life are the staffs, alumni, head of the college and the fund raising offices. The staffs are responsible for making personalised letters using a word processing tool and a personal database. They are also responsible for personally adding the alumni information. Alumni are the former pupils who receives donation from the school. The college head is the most significant and important person who manages each and every operations of the school. The staffs are the internal stakeholders belonging to the operational level because they are responsible for the works in the school. The alumni are the external stakeholders of the executive level as they will get the donations from the school. The head of the school are the internal stakeholders of the executive level because all the managing decisions are taken by them. Lastly, the fund raising offices are the external stakeholders to the operational level as they request for donations but are not completely associated with the task. As a school staff, I want to ensure that the personalized letters are successfully made so that the fund raising opportunities can be successfully carried. As the head of the school, I want to ensure that the IT department gets a new computerized way of operations for successfully making a computerized alumni system. As a fund-raising officer, I want to ensure the continuity of the donation processes, so that a donation can be given to the alumni members. As an alumnus, I want to see the changes in the school in every six months so that all the celebrations can be effectively made. This questionnaire is to be sent to the IT department regarding some questions that are to be addressed. The main purpose of this questionnaire is to get information regarding the infrastructure to be developed. What type of services will be given? How the computerized process will work? What will the new system will do? How will the staff get benefits from this? How will this be a time reducing technology? What are the major changes and the requirements that will be done? UML Modelling Tools The UML (Unified Modelling Language) is used to create architectures and designs in a both behavioural and structural way. There are two modelling tools that will be used for addressing to the requirements of the Google apps and the one drive apps. The will be used for working with the Google apps and the Visio software will be used with Office 365 apps. Visio The cost of this for 10 users is 10$ paid annually The cost of this tool is 99$ for one user paid for only one time The main features of this tool are the Google drive integrations, Google Security bound and drag and drop functions available The main features are auto connect functionality, great brainstorming diagrams and development of business process diagrams For looking at the value for money, this seems to be a more viable choice than the other For looking at the value for money, this seems to be a less viable choice than The use of can be used by freelancers and small businesses whereas the Visio tool can be used by mid-size business and the small businesses. Both of them are not fit for large enterprises which can only be done by using the Adobe Illustrator tool. References Bonham-Carter, G.F, 2014.Geographic information systems for geoscientists: modelling with GIS(Vol. 13), Elsevier. Galliers, R,D, and Leidner, D,E, eds, 2014.Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Jones, C, B, 2014.Geographical information systems and computer cartography. Routledge. Laudon, K,C, and Laudon, J,P, 2013. Management Information Systems 13e. Pearlson, K,E, Saunders, C,S and Galletta, D,F, 2016.Managing and Using Information Systems, Binder Ready Version: A Strategic Approach. John Wiley Sons. Peppard, J, and Ward, J, 2016,The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy, John Wiley Sons. Stair, R and Reynolds, G, 2013.Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning. Venkatesh, V, Brown, S,A, and Bala, H, 2013. Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems.MIS quarterly,37(1).